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Through the findings, the most common and effective pedagogical tools from a variety of studies include: narratives, interpersonal skills training and experiential learning. These tools are explored further by various studies and researchers. The purpose of the literature review is to provide a conceptual framework to create a culture of empathy. This is BIGGER than a course in medical school. It is a change in the entire culture and works to produce a medical trainee that is emotionally intelligent and shows empathy. However, it is important to remember that,  “educators should use effective educational strategies if they wish to promote empathy in medical students” (Stepien & Baernstein, 2006, p. 525), which may include a variety or combination of strategies.



"Narratives allow us to interact with others in more complex ways, allowing both oneself and others to make sense of the world with joint-narratives" (Hardy 2017, p. 243). 


"Many studies have found a positive relationship beween physicians who adopt a warm ineterpersonal style and patient satisfaction, compliance and salubrious medical outcomes" (Jourdan & Foster, 2016, p. 1011). 

"Simulation-based education, where students engage in an experience, is frequently used to develop empathy and empathetic behaviours in medical, nursing and allied students" (Bearman et al., 2015, p. 308)

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